Artnovion drivs av passion. Passion för akustik, passion för prestanda och den eviga passionen är att ge en fantastisk kundupplevelse. Artnovion erbjuder några av marknadens bästa lösningar när det kommer till akustik och här ligger fokus på kvalitet, teknik och inte minst design.
På AV-Connection kan vi erbjuda rådgivning och försäljning inom alla typer av akustik. Vi har kopplat till en professionell akustiker som kan bistå med mätning och beräkning och på så sätt kan vi hjälpa till med en helhetslösning oavsett storlek.
Sound can be suppressed from traveling through space using barriers.
This will create soundproof environments.
Sound in an environment is a result of bouncing reflections. The way sound interacts with the room can be shaped to give the listener a better perception of the sound. This is sound quality.
When we hear a sound in a room, the first wave that reaches you is the direct wave. As the name suggests, this wave has not interacted with space since it comes directly from the emission source. Then you hear the first reflections, which usually only reflect once. We call this a first-order reflection. Then we perceive other reflections that are the result of numerous reflections from multiple surfaces. These reflections can be 2nd, 3rd or 4th order depending on the damping materials of the room.
The speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. The reflected waves travel a longer path and take longer to reach the listener. This can create an echo effect where we perceive two different sounds due to a time difference of more than 80 ms.
Reverberation time is our indicator of sound cancellation in the room. By definition, it is the time required for sound energy to decrease by 60 dB.
The acoustic quality of a room depends on various factors: It can be related to the homogeneity and non-homogeneity of the sound field and the amount of energy in spacemet. These factors are designed in accordance with the purpose of the room.
At Artnovion we have many ways to improve the acoustics. Absorption, where we remove energy from space and reduce or eliminate reflections, or through diffusion, where we spread incoming waves and distribute their energy over a larger area.
AV-Connection A/S • Org. nr: DK27907547 • Kærvej 71–73 • 6400 Sønderborg • Danmark • Tel. +45 7442 1078 • E-mail: [email protected] |